We strive to breed highly fertile animals with a cow-calf wean ratio of (250 days) i.e 60%. We concentrate on confirmation with heavy muscling and true to type. Selection of temperament is high on our agenda and we also concentrate on a medium to small framed BORAN with excellent balance between length, depth and width.
We have semen available for purchase from various Boran bulls in our herd. We are always looking for great bulls to add to our lineup, so do not hesitate to contact us if you have an outstanding sire prospect.
Panga Boran Stud is dedicated to being your first choice for cattle marketing, order buying services and cattle financing. Because of a cooperative structure and spirit, our employees and directors are committed to the success of the cattle industry and its participants. Whether buying and selling cattle or looking to finance your cattle operation, our staff's knowledge and experience in the industry is unparalleled..
In addition to raising our own cattle we also sell healthy bulls, cows and heifers. For more information on SALE dates enquire within.
It is world wide known to be the best way to make genetic progression.It is a way to motivate every committed cattle breeder (stockmen) to enjoy the pleasure to practice the highest and noblest form of art viz (genetic engineering). To look at a group of cows procreated by means of AI is a thrill beyond compare.
Well, to get cattle to do what you want takes knowledge of animal behavior, access to good facilities, and proper handling techniques. All of this together adds up to cow sense! Animal-related injuries to employees can be due to preoccupation, impatience, or anger by the animal or the handler! During these moments, a livestock handler really needs to understand animal behavior. Well-designed facilities won’t make up for a lack of cow sense at this point. Having good animal handling skills will help to prevent injuries. It will also help make animal handling easier, because the safe way of doing this is also usually the most efficient. At Panga Boran we offer such skills to young farmers and agricultural and veterinary students
Having discovered that most people want to be farmers but lack the technique to do it the right way,we therefore decided to help farmers to draw up a programme from A-Z that will help them to breed for profitability. Our mission is to improve stake holder value through well organized resource mobilization for breeding, buying and selling of livestock, using the most advanced and appropriate systems to achieve significant breakthroughs in livestock production and marketing. In particular we aim to empower those who feel disadvantaged by lack of skill through training and development.
Our mission is to improve stake holder value through well organized resource mobilization for breeding, buying and selling of livestock, using the most advanced and appropriate systems to achieve significant breakthroughs in livestock production and marketing. In particular we aim to empower those who feel disadvantaged by lack of skill through training and development.